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Showing posts from March, 2021

Duke Theo III Approved by Royal Deluge as Secretary Treasurer

Duke Theo III has been approved as Secretary Treasurer today, March 9, 2021, in a vote of 5 to 0 with 2 abstentions resulting in a weighted vote of 15 to 0, after being nominated by Sovereign Carson Snyder. The Secretary Treasurer position was created by the "Treasury of Northwood-Oregon and Economic Planning" bill passed at the end of last month on February 28, 2021. The Secretary Treasurer will act to ensure the responsibilities of the Treasury of Northwood-Oregon are fulfilled, such responsibilities including  printing currently and managing government funds. The bill also reaffirmed a silver backed currency for the Kingdom, as well as set provisions for the beginning of economic development. Portrait of Duke Theo III Voting Results:      Aye -     Duchess Kaitlyn Huber (3 votes) Duke Lucas Daniel (2 votes) Prince Andrew Stuller (4 votes) Duke Theo Porter III (3 votes) Duke Grant Bruns (3 votes)     Nay - None     Abstention -...

Drapeau hissé au-dessus du Kingsland

Le drapeau du Royaume de Northwood-Oregon a été hissé au-dessus du Kingsland aujourd'hui. Le drapeau était la première interprétation physique du drapeau qui a été conçu par le souverain Carson Snyder. Il a été acquis hier le 3 mars 2021 et a officiellement volé aujourd'hui pendant une courte période au-dessus du Kingsland. Après le tournage d'une courte vidéo dans laquelle Richard Snyder I, père du souverain Snyder, a levé le drapeau et quelques photos ont été prises, le drapeau a été abaissé pour être accroché dans le palais en raison des inquiétudes concernant un clip cassé sur le mât du drapeau. Le drapeau est le drapeau officiel du Royaume depuis sa conception. Il a été conçu par Sovereign Snyder, la silhouette représente la forme combinée de l'Oregon et de Northwood, Northwood étant en bas et Oregon en haut.

Flag Hoisted Above the Kingsland

The flag of the Kingdom of Northwood-Oregon was hoisted above the Kingsland today. The flag was the first physical rendition of the flag which was designed by Sovereign Carson Snyder. It was acquired yesterday on March 3rd 2021 and officially flown today for a short period of time above the Kingsland. After a short video was shot in which Richard Snyder I, father of Sovereign Snyder, raised the flag and a few photos were taken, the flag was lowered to be hung within the palace due to worries over a broken clip on the flag mast. The flag has been the official flag of the Kingdom since its conception. It was designed by Sovereign Snyder, the silhouette depicts the combined shape of Oregon and Northwood, Northwood being on the bottom and Oregon on the top.