The Cupertino Alliance Member States Positivity Survey was released today, July 28th 2021, with the Kingdom of Northwood-Oregon tying for 6th in positive perception. The survey, which asked participants to rank their perception of all current (at the time) member states of the Cupertino Alliance on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being least positive, and 5 being most positive). The survey reports 23 participants responding over the course of 23 days, and can be completely reviewed by clicking here. The survey places Northwood-Oregon in a four way tie for 6th place, getting a total 85 points. The Kingdom was tied with the Monmarkian Empire, Qaflana, and the Kingdom of West Sayville. The mean score for Northwood-Oregon was 3.86. Tied for first with 95 points each was the Kingdom of Atiera and the Unified Royal States of Australis. Scores of those whom Northwood-Oregon has diplomatic relations: Kingdom of Atiera - 95 points Unified Royal States of Australis - 95 points Empire of Aeno...