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Showing posts from February, 2021

French Made an Official Language of the Kingdom

The Northwood-Oregonian Parliament passed a bill today making French an official language of the Kingdom. Alongside making French an official language, the bill also includes provisions to encourage the availability of French translated public documents. The bill was voted on by the Royal Deluge this Monday, February 8th, and was sent to the Preclusionary Committee the same day. The bill was written by His Majesty The King and was seconded by Duke Nicholas Abbott of the Duchy of Clay.  The bill doesn't come as much as a surprise, as making French an official language has been a personal goal of the King for some time now. Many citizens of the Kingdom are currently in the process of learning French, or have already done so. The Kingdom also notably signed a treaty with the Kingdom of Sayville which included a French translation. While this on its own would be expected due to the Kingdom of Sayville writing the treaty and having French as an official language, the Kingdom of Northwoo...